What is ePLDT E.A.S.E.?

ePLDT E.A.S.E. stands for Easy Access to Secure E-billings and it is a FREE, secure, and convenient online service that lets you easily view, download, and manage your invoices and billing statements anytime, anywhere.

How do I sign up for ePLDT E.A.S.E.?

Signing up is simple! You will receive an email with a link to register with an official group company email address. You will then be sent a customer code and a temporary password.

How do we know if we are already enrolled in ePLDT E.A.S.E.?

You will be receiving an email for your customer code and a temporary password.

How do I update my account information?

You can easily update your password changes to your email address, by reaching out to wecare@epldt.com.

How will I be notified of new invoices?

You will receive an email notification as soon as your new invoice is available, so you never miss a billing update.

Can I enroll multiple users in the portal?

For the meantime we can only have 1 user (i.e. 1 official group company email) per client.

How long is the online billing retention period?

Invoices are stored for 60 months.

Who do I contact if I have questions about my invoice/s?

You may reach ePLDT Customer Care thru wecare@epldt.com or call: 177 using your PLDT landline, through mobile (Smart, TNT, and Sun), +63 2 8-688-2700 up to 02 through other networks or visit our ePLDT website, www.epldt.com.

How secure is the ePLDT E.A.S.E. platform?

We prioritize your online security by implementing strong protective measures. This includes using encryption, multi-step verification, and regularly updating our security protocols to safeguard your financial information.

Is my personal information safe?

Your personal data is highly protected on our platform. We comply with stringent data privacy laws and use advanced security systems to ensure your information remains private and secure, providing you with a smooth and worry-free ePLDT E.A.S.E. experience.